Useful Links

We hope you find these links helpful

Cambridgeshire County Council

Cambridgeshire County Councillor Henry Batchelor
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Association of Local Councils (CPALC)
CCC Adults
CCC Leisure & Culture

Cambridgeshire County Civil Protection Unit (Power Point presentation, 2002)

District Councillors

Environment Agency 

Flooding: Links, Advice

Footpaths (including Footpaths Fault Reporting)
Highways Fault Reporting (Cambridgeshire County Council) –  and also links to liability claim form (and associated information)

Hildersham Church (Historic England)    (for the history of the juniper trees behind a bench in the  churchyard, see here [foot of pg. 4])

Hildersham Church (Granta Vale Churches)

Hildersham: History; Archives

Linton and Hildersham Neighbourhood Plan

Natural Hildersham and Hildersham Nature Recovery Plan

Linton Greenway

Mobile Library (updated May 2022; scroll down webpage for relevant information)

South Cambridgeshire District Councillor John Batchelor

South Cambridgeshire District Council
SCDC Refuse Bin Collections
SCDC Planning
SCDC Housing
Your District Council & Democracy

South Cambridgeshire District Council – Planning for Emergencies

South Cambridgeshire District Council – Community Emergency Planning

Water and Sewerage Companies by Constituency (S.E. Cambs.) (including water supply companies)

Cambridgeshire Policing
South Cambridgeshire Policing
Granta Medical Practice
Citizens Advice Bureau
Connect with your Local Community
Direct Government 
Visit Cambridge (Tourist information)

BBC Cambs News
Radio Cambridgeshire